
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Ep. 45 Bathnight Live!
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
What a sensational episode this is. Kerry Godliman joins Rob and Helen in the bath!
to support the podcast join us on patreon.com/robrouse
Enjoy the podcast!
Rob and Helen

Friday Dec 11, 2020
Ep.44 Yoga (and subsequent blow-offs)
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Hello there Dear listener,
Thanks for downloading this incredibly gassy episode. Expect big laughs, detailed yoga instruction and involuntary farting.
A couple that yogas and farts together stays together.
Support the podcast by becoming an official patron and you will ALSO access loads of EXCLUSIVE COMEDY Emailed direct to you every MON-FRI.
You know it makes sense friends.
Rob and Helen X

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Ep. 43 The Great Datenight Sewing Bee
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Oh yes dear listeners! This week Helen challenges Rob to create some bespoke haute couture out of some of her old rags!
Excitement builds as the clock ticks down and Rob attempts to create an outfit Helen is prepared to wear on the catwalk (to the all night garage).
Support the podcast and come and get LOADS more episodes and COMEDY SKETCHES exclusively on patreon.com/robrouse

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Ep 42. Can we escape Alexa?
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Hello there dear listener. As we enter lockdown 2, this episode was recorded in lockdown 1, remember that, very much like this one. Anyway, Rob and Helen play and escape room game on Alexa and things get pretty crazy!
A funny one, expect swearing and farting from Helen.
Come and join us on patreon.com/robrouse for all the very latest eps as they come out of the pod oven and mon-fri sketches, songs and films exclusive to patrons. It's your daily dose of funny without having to trawl through social media and you can get it all fro as little as £1/month.
Love to you all
Rob and Helen

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Ep 32. Record Breakers
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Hello there Dear Listener.
Helen challenges Rob to break a series of world records with hilarious and occasionally gaseous results!
Please come and support the podcast by becoming a Patron! If you do, you'll get hours of exclusive comedy sketches including Rob and Helen's latest hour long Edinburgh show, there's tons of stuff and its so cheap! You can join from just £1/month or pay what you want.
Also you'll get the very latest episodes of the podcast 2 months before they are released on here!
We love you and hope to see you there.

Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Welcome to Episode 40 of Rob and Helen's Datenight Podcast. This week Rob and Helen both take a personality test to find out what kind of people they are. Will they be a match? will it end in tears? Has Helen already killed Rob and this is Helen typing this pretending to be Rob? There's only one way to find out.
This podcast contains a mammoth shout out to Madeline Rodgers!
Enjoy the podcast
Rob & Helen XXX

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Ep.39 Portrait of A Fool
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Rob and Helen here with brand spanking new Datenight Podcast just for you,
The last week or so, Helen has been picking up the brushes and expressing herself through the medium of portraits. In this episode, Rob commissions her to try and make him look important and dashing. The result is quite phenomenal and captures.
"I think she's made me look like an important Capuchin Monkey"
There's also a ludicrous recollection of Helen's where she tells the story of when a confidence trickster became her primary school teacher for a whole year! The story is corroborated with a phone call to the mighty 'Jean The Bean' - Helen's mum.
All in all a Big episode. Enjoy. Spread the word where you can.
We love you
Rob & Helen XXX

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Rob & Helen's Datenight Podcast Ep. 38 Anyone for Tennis
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Hello there Dear Listener!
Come and join the party on Patreon where you'll unlock loads of exclusive comedy content from Rob and Helen including The film of 'Funny in Real Life' shot at the Edinburgh Festival
I have to warn you before you listen, I had cooked and we'd eaten a Quorn and Lentil shepherds pie about 30 mins before we set out to play so it does get a bit blowy.
Enjoy the podcast and please keep spreading the word about the fun we're having over here.
Big love to you all.
Rob and Helen X

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Ep 37 "A Triumphant Return through the medium of collage"
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
After nearly two years hiatus Rob and Helen are back with a brand new date night podcast. After literally one single tweet asking if they would get back on the mic, they did just that and bottled the lightning!
There's all the classic chat about Rob's clothes, Helen's had fixed braces on her gnashers and she tries to get Rob collage-ing (is that a word). Helen's attempt to scare Rob shitless backfires in fine style and they generally loose the plot.
Get in touch with us @datenightpod on twitter
robandhelensdatenight on facebook
or email to robandhelensdatenight@yahoo.com

Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Ep. 36 Not For the Feint Hearted
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Hello there Dear Listener,
Thanks for downloading episode 36. After a bit of a hiatus we're back in business. In this weeks podcast Rob and Helen discuss beginning preparartions and reharsals for their impending run at the Edinburgh festival together and Rob's guts take an absolute pounding.
Tickets for Helen and Rob's play in Edinburgh are onsale now here
& Rob's stand-up show here