
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Ep. 35 "A Truly Wild Night Out"
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Hello there Dear Listener!
Thanks for downloading Episode 35! "A Truly Wild Night Out"
Rob and Helen have a Saturday Night out together and have a truly wild time of it. After 3 beers (Rob 2, Helen 1) Rob nearly falls over at least twice and they remeniss (no idea if I've spelt that properly) about previous podcasts and growing old together. Plus there's stargazing and stories about the dog.
follow the pod @datenightpod
Come see rob on tour www.robrouse.com/gigs
donate at paypal.me/datenightpod

Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Ep. 34 Three Car Parks and A Knocking Shop?
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Thanks for downloading dear listener!
This weeks episode is a classic series of snapshots of your favourite podcasting couple titting about while the kids are at school and talking total codswallop for your entertainment. There's a trip to the hospital and Helen thinks Rob's accidentally booked himself into a knocking shop of a hotel in London. Granny Bean saves the day as only she can in this bizarre episode. It's a cracker! Enjoy and spread the word dear Listener.
Rob and Helen x
Come see Rob on Tour www.robrouse.com/gigs
Follow the pod @datenightpod for more links
Donate to the pod https://www.paypal.me/datenightpod

Monday Jan 08, 2018
Ep. 33 Topless with a Guinea Pig
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Hello there Dear Listener and thanks for downloading episode 33 of Rob and Helen's Datenight Podcast.
This week Rob and Helen see in the new year with two new members to the family. The Podcast gets very hot indeed and then Rob gets attacked by a Guinea Pig.
We also find out how much you wonderful listeners have raised for Shelter and preparations are made for the arrival of Granny Bean.
Please keep spreading the word about the podcast.
Rob and Helen X
Come see Rob on Tour www.robrouse.com/gigs
Follow the pod @datenightpod for more links
Donate to the pod https://www.paypal.me/datenightpod

Monday Dec 18, 2017
Ep. 32 Charity Single Christmas Special
Monday Dec 18, 2017
Monday Dec 18, 2017
Hello there Dear Listener!
Happy Christmas and thanks so much for downloading the podcast. This weeks episode sees the release of Rob and Helen's Christmas Single "Last Christmas" to raise money for Shelter - you can bid for to win the only sigend copy on Ebay!
Also in a sensational turn of events, Helen suggests that Rob auctions off his beloved Crocs, again to raise money for Shelter - here's the link
There's loads more too, Jean the Bean makes not one but two appearences to make up for the episode that was lost last week.
Get in touch with us @datenightpod on twitter
robandhelensdatenight on facebook
or email to robandhelensdatenight@yahoo.com
Rob's got some tour dates in the spring too at www.robrouse.com/gigs
Have a wonderful Christmas, please spread the word about the podcast and we'll speak to you in the new year!
Rob and Helen x

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Ep. 31 Gender fluidity and quite a few mentions of toilets
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Hello there dear listener,
And welcome to episode 31. In this weeks (live) episode Rob and Helen talk interact with listeners questions and discussing gender fluidity, Helen doing drop off in pyjamas and Rob desperatelt tries to keep things (the conversation) out of the toilet.
Please enjoy, like, suscribe, give us 5 stars on itunes and share the podcast
Keep you questions coming in to.
and you can donate to the pod here...
Rob and Helen x

Monday Nov 27, 2017
Ep. 30 "Dog-hair and Sourdough"
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Hello there dear listener!
We've been away for a while but we're back!
Rob and Helen discuss their hiatus and formulate a new plan to dominate the world of podcasting (or at least to enteratin you)
Get your questions in for our new agony aunt/uncle section starting next week to...
or the facebook page.
Rob and Helen X

Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Ep. 29 "A play for the day 2"
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Hello there dear Listener,
This week, Helen's new play is staged at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, so Helen challenges Rob to write a scene having stimulated his brain (although there's little proof that this actually exists)
Enjoy the podcast!
Rob's on tour right now, all his dates are here http://www.robrouse.com/gigs/
If you enjoy the podcast and you'd like to you can donate to the podcast here... https://www.paypal.me/datenightpod

Monday Apr 03, 2017
Ep. 28 "Dirty Scrabble 2 Kerry Godliman et al - a 6 way special!"
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Hello there Dear Listener and welcome back to Rob and Hele's Datenight Podcast after a technical hiatus!!!
We thought we'd come back with a bang, so this is a 6-way treble date special! A game of dirty scrabble, with our dear friends Kerry Godliman and her husband Ben and Karen and Brendan.
Not for the faint hearted or weak of stomach, let the filth flow! Enjoy!
Rob's on tour right now, all his dates are here http://www.robrouse.com/gigs/
If you enjoy the podcast and you'd like to you can donate to the podcast here... https://www.paypal.me/datenightpod

Sunday Mar 12, 2017
A short announcement
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Hello there Dear Listener,
This weeks our profoundest apologies! Unfortunately rob's compuer screen broke over the weekend and he (I) can't edit this weeks podcast, Grrrr!
However our technical team (Rob) (Me) is doing everything they (I) can to get a new screen fitted in the hope of resuming normal service next week.
Speak to you next week and done cop off with any other podcasts!
Rob and Helen x

Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Ep. 27 "King of the Swingers!"
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Sunday Mar 05, 2017
Hello there Dear Sweet listener and thanks for downloading Episode 27. This week Helen planned and magical mystery tour for Rob's birthday. Regular listeners to the show will know how crap Rob is with suprises, but even an old goat such as him would never have guessed where they were heading and what they would do when they got there.
Rob's on tour right now, all his dates are here http://www.robrouse.com/gigs/
If you enjoy the podcast and you'd like to you can donate to the podcast here... https://www.paypal.me/datenightpod
Enjoy the Podcast!
Rob and Helen X